Wholesale & B2B
Business to business
Would you like to place a business order without paying VAT? Simply complete your order and, at the payment section, select the option: "Business order - Send me an invoice without VAT."
You won’t need to make a payment at that moment. We will verify your VAT number and issue an invoice excluding VAT.
Wholesale & retail
Our products are also available for wholesale: growers, picking gardens, shops, garden centres, mail order and other retailers.
The minimum order amount is 350 Euro per order. The minimum order quantity per variety is:
- For the dahlias a minimum of 25 tubers per variety
- For the all flower bulbs, anemones and ranunculus a minimum of 10 bags per variety
- For the flower seeds and vegetable seeds a minimum of 10 bags per variety
If you would like to receive our wholesale price list, please contact Linda at info@famflowerfarm.com.